
CIBSE Ireland

By Crystal Air PCM Thursday, 29th March 2018 | 0 comments
Filed under: Exhibitions.
Crystal Air PCM participate in the Nearly Zero Energy Building(NZEB) event hosted by CIBSE Ireland. Key areas of focus on the day centred around the recent changes to Part L of the Building Regulations in Ireland and how these changes are and will impact our industry. Renewable energy, cost implications, challenges & opportunities for both new & refurbishment projects were just some of the topics covered. Are you ready for these changes? 

National Power Summit

By Crystal Air PCM Tuesday, 6th February 2018 | 0 comments
Filed under: Exhibitions.
We recently exhibited at the National Power Summit in Croke Park. Pictured below far right, Don Hoban, Business Development Manager and newest member to the team Mark Claffey, Mechanical Project Engineer.